Jill Stein

For: President of The United States of America
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Jill Stein's Answers
Answer Categories
Taxes and Government Spending
State Policy Question:
Do you believe in increasing state taxes on the wealthy to fund public services?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 11:56 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Jill Stein would likely support increasing state taxes on the wealthy to fund public services. She might argue that it is a matter of economic justice and fairness. Stein could also suggest that the wealthy should contribute more to society's common needs given their greater economic resources.

    Percentage of Importance: Given Stein's focus on social justice and economic equality, she would likely assign a high level of importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 70-80%.

State Policy Question:
Should the state prioritize funding for renewable energy projects over fossil fuels?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 1:41 PM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Stein has been a vocal advocate for environmental sustainability and has consistently called for a transition from fossil fuels to renewable energy. She would likely argue that prioritizing funding for renewable energy is essential for addressing climate change, promoting public health, and creating green jobs. Stein might also emphasize that the state has a critical role to play in facilitating this transition by providing funding and regulatory support for renewable energy projects.

    Percentage of Importance: Given her strong emphasis on environmental sustainability, Stein would likely assign a high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 85-95%. This reflects her belief that shifting to renewable energy is a critical issue with far-reaching implications for the environment, public health, and the economy.

Federal Policy Question:
Do you support reforming the tax code to ensure higher taxes on the wealthiest Americans?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Stein firmly believes in a progressive tax system where the wealthiest Americans and corporations pay their fair share. She argues that the current tax system is skewed in favor of the rich and powerful, and that this contributes to economic inequality. Stein might propose closing tax loopholes and ending corporate welfare as part of her tax reform plan. She might also support implementing a wealth tax, increasing the capital gains tax, and raising the top marginal tax rate.

    Percentage of Importance: Stein would likely assign a high importance to this issue, given her focus on economic justice and reducing income inequality. She might place the importance of tax reform in the range of 70-80%.

Federal Policy Question:
Should the federal government provide more tax incentives for small businesses?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Jill Stein would likely support tax incentives for small businesses, especially if they align with her broader goals of promoting economic justice, sustainability, and community resilience. She would probably argue that small businesses play a critical role in creating jobs, boosting local economies, and fostering social cohesion. She might advocate for tax incentives that encourage small businesses to adopt green technologies, pay living wages, and engage in fair trade practices. However, she would likely also stress the need for a broader overhaul of the tax system to ensure that large corporations and the wealthy pay their fair share.

    Percentage of Importance: Given Stein's focus on economic justice and sustainability, she would likely assign a moderate to high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 60-70%. This reflects her belief that supporting small businesses through tax incentives is a key strategy for promoting economic justice and sustainability.

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  • Voter registration information:
  • Election dates and details:
    Federal Election Commission
  • Policy positions:
    Publicly available candidate websites and official statements