Cornel West

For: President of The United States of America
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Cornel West's Answers
Answer Categories
Environmental Policy
State Policy Question:
Do you support state-level initiatives to reduce carbon emissions and combat climate change?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 11:33 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: West would likely argue for the necessity of state-level initiatives to combat climate change and reduce carbon emissions. Given his progressive leanings, he would likely view these initiatives as critical to addressing environmental justice and health issues, particularly for marginalized communities often disproportionately affected by pollution and climate change. He would possibly emphasize the importance of transitioning to renewable energy and implementing regulations to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his advocacy for social and environmental justice and the increasing global importance of addressing climate change, West would likely assign a very high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 80-90%.

State Policy Question:
Should the state allocate funds to protect and restore natural habitats and wildlife?
  1. Sun, Aug 4, 2024 1:08 PM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West would likely strongly agree with the allocation of state funds to protect and restore natural habitats and wildlife. He would view this as an essential component of a just society and a moral responsibility. He might argue that this is not only necessary for the survival of wildlife and the health of the natural environment, but also for the well-being of humans, especially marginalized communities that are often disproportionately affected by environmental degradation. He would likely stress the importance of government intervention in addressing environmental issues, and could advocate for increased funding for state conservation agencies, stricter environmental regulations, and greater public education about the importance of conservation.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his progressive ideals and belief in the interconnectedness of social justice and environmental health, West would likely assign a high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 75-85%. This reflects his belief that environmental conservation is a critical aspect of social justice and a moral imperative.

Federal Policy Question:
Do you support the United States rejoining international agreements focused on combating climate change?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West would strongly support the United States rejoining international agreements focused on combating climate change. He would argue that as one of the world's largest carbon emitters, the U.S. has a moral and ethical responsibility to lead global efforts to mitigate climate change. West might suggest that rejoining international climate agreements is not only essential for the planet's future but also an opportunity for the U.S. to demonstrate leadership and commitment to global cooperation. He would emphasize that climate change is a social justice issue, disproportionately affecting the world's most vulnerable populations.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his emphasis on moral and ethical responsibility, as well as social justice, West would likely attribute a significant importance to this issue, possibly around 80-90%. This indicates his belief that combating climate change is a pressing concern that requires immediate and decisive action at the national and international levels.

Federal Policy Question:
Should the federal government invest in renewable energy sources to reduce dependence on fossil fuels?
  1. Mon, Aug 5, 2024 12:09 AM (answer researched by FourScore)

    Answer: Cornel West, being a democratic socialist and an advocate for social justice, would likely strongly support the federal government investing in renewable energy sources. He would argue that this is not only crucial for reducing dependence on fossil fuels and combating climate change, but it is also an issue of social and economic justice. West would likely emphasize that the transition to renewable energy can create jobs, reduce income inequality, and bring about a more equitable and sustainable economy.

    Percentage of Importance: Given his commitment to social justice and environmental sustainability, West would likely assign a very high importance to this issue, possibly in the range of 85-95%. This reflects his belief that transitioning to renewable energy is a vital step towards achieving a more just and sustainable society.

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  • Voter registration information:
  • Election dates and details:
    Federal Election Commission
  • Policy positions:
    Publicly available candidate websites and official statements